Image URL.
Enter image URL. Enter with full http:// prefix.
Image Border Style.
Choose an image border style.
Circle Frame
Boxed Frame
Boxed Frame with Hover
On Click Action.
Choose what to do when clicked on image.
Open URL
Open Lightbox
URL Link.
Enter URL where it will lead when clicked on the image. On Click Action has to be "Open URL". You need to enter full website address with http:// prefix.
Image Caption.
Add optional image caption.
Gallery REL attribute.
If you want to open this image in lightbox gallery along with other images, then enter the same Gallery REL for all those images.
Entrance Animation.
Choose an entrance animation for this element.
Fade In
Scale Up
Right to Left
Left to Right
Top to Bottom
Bottom to Top
Flip X
Flip Y
Entrance Delay.
Enter delay in miliseconds before the animation starts. Useful for creating timed animations. No need to enter ms. Eg: 300 (300 stands for 0.3 seconds)
Extra Class.
Enter additional CSS class. Separate classes with space. Eg: my-class second-class